"America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests."

H. Kissinger

August 14, 2022
Russian Advances, Ukraine Shelling Nuclear Power Plant

US threatens China because China threatens US hegemony.
Useful Idiots with V. Prashad

NATO Expands Into Africa
As US Bullies the Continent
Over Ukraine
Breakthrough News with V. Prashad

EU, we are at war. EstoniaFinland blockade, Baltic Sea will be NATO sea. US warns Africa.

How Corporate Media
Censored Itself.
with Ben Norton.

Blaming Russia for Zaporozhye. HIMARS ammo running low. Peski taken, closing in on Avdeevka.

Kissinger multipolar realpolitik. Daily Mail, Pelosi family biz. Georgia given EU list.

Russia Steamrolls through more of Donbass, MSM Losing Hope of Ukraine Kherson Counter Offensive.

Elensky, target Russia in Zaporozhye. Guardian, get Putin, take him down.