"America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests."

H. Kissinger

US Can't Find Indo-Pacific Nations to Host Anti-China Missiles.

US Proxy War in Myanmar Threatens China and the rest of Asia.

Oslo Freedom Forum US Proxies Train and Plan for the Next Ukraine.

Ukraine Update, Tensions Over Taiwan, and More.
- with Angelo Giuliano

The Ongoing US-China Tensions Overshadowed by Ukraine Crisis.

Wests Media U-Turn in Ukraine as Reality Sets In.

Thailand How the US Supports the Student Mobs.

Washington's Role in
Kazakhstans Chaos.

U.S. Coerces U.N. Human Right's Chief Following Xinjiang China Visit.

Kazakhstans Chaos Lessons for the Rest of Asia.

Murderous Bolivian Coup Supporter CONFRONTED At America's Summit.